How I am an Effective Executive?

'The Effective Executive' by Peter Drucker is considered one of the best books for executive self-management. The reason I am talking about this book is that it finds an executive as a person who has responsibilities to do the right things and self-deploy on priorities that make the most significant impact irrespective of whether you run an organisation. I strongly believe in self-assessments; they not only help me identify areas where I need to put in more work but also boosts confidence concerning my existing capabilities. In this regard, I have identified some of the practices that make me an effective executive. Exceeding my Expectations When I am an individual contributor for a project, exceeding my expectations always pays off fruitfully. This practice also has a tremendous impact when I am working in a team. What better influencing tool than showing teammates your self-improvement through your performance? The display of your efforts towards improving the overall quality...